New Week = New Opportunity To Crush It
This weekend was crazy busy as usual, and my trusted to-do list was in full swing. Tackle the neverending laundry pile, clean the house, entertain the kiddos, yardwork, and edit content for Caitlyn & Co.
Admittedly, I get overwhelmed at times and forget to pause and praise myself for working so hard. Friday evening as I stood in the kitchen scrubbing avocado off of my white curtains, (ahh the joys of baby led weaning) I received the sweetest message below on Instagram.
This was the message I needed! This was the message I needed to keep pushing forward. I inspired this beautiful woman? Yasssss!!! *clapping loudly* ALL.THE.FEELS! This solidified my WHY. This was the reason I started this blog! I have told my husband time and time again, I created the Caitlyn & Co. brand to help and encourage women. Ya’ll, when I tell you I was so deeply moved by this short and sweet message.
I say all this to say, check in on your friends! Check in on the creatives in your circle. The business owners. *steps on soap box* Owning a business is NOT EASY! It takes 2 seconds to send a text letting your boss babe friends know that you see them. Let your friends know that you are rooting for them. Support by sharing their content/service, writing a review, or simply just liking a post.
I want to see all of you win! We can do more together than we can ever do apart (shout out to Pastor Matt)! Let’s uplift each other, as sisterhood is a community. Sending you so much love and encouragement. I am rooting for you!